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A4 Embossed Invitation Paper - Trident Oceanic Pearl

Beach Themes!
A4 Embossed Invitation Paper - Trident Oceanic Pearl
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Decorative - Not Printable
Tree Free
Yes - 100% recycled cotton base paper
Yes - 100% recycled cotton base paper
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25-99 Items $0.62
100-199 Items $0.55
200-499 Items $0.48
500+ Items $0.41
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Handmade Embossed Paper - Trident Oceanic Pearl A4 Sheets

  • Oceanic Pearl is just like is says - an metallic ocean blue or sea green and is a perfect colour for beach themed wedding invitations.
  • 100% first grade recycled cotton
  • Handmade paper from India that is converted and packaged in Sydney, Australia
  • Single sided pearlescent colour coating with matte white reverse.
  • Amazing definition - made with original embossing plates (not a cheap cast)
  • Our embossed papers are specified at 150gsm before coating (not 100 or 120gsm like some thinner copies)
  • All handmade A4 papers are deliberately guillotined slightly oversize to 21.1cm x 30cm (ensuring you can always fully cover a standard A4 sheet of 21cm x 29.7cm).
  • Very popular paper for wedding invitations

Not only is it beautiful, this paper is also environmentally friendly as it is made from 100% first grade recycled cotton offcuts/waste from the textile industry.

Genuine Paperglitz product - highest quality papers made with 100% recycled cotton (no wood pulp) with amazing embossing definition.

Don't waste time with cheap & nasty cast copies that lack the definition of this beautiful design - ours are made with the original embossing plates and have amazing definition. We are also known to be up to 20% cheaper than other Australian suppliers for this design!

This paper is also available in full sized sheets (56x76 or 66x66cm) and in genuine Paperglitz Glamour Pockets®, Add a Pockets® and we can also guillotine and/or die-cut to your specification.

Buy with confidence and specify only "Genuine Paperglitz Handmade Embossed Papers" for your wedding invitation papers and craft projects.

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Tulle Circle Metallic Glitter Edge SILVER
Foil Wrapped Chocolate Hearts - Gold - Each
Bomboniere Purse Box - Urban Mocca (Matte)
150mm Square Short Side Pocket Fold - Cottonesse Natural White 250gsm
A4 Embossed Invitation Paper - Majestic Swirl Ivory Pearl
Double Sided Satin Ribbon 15mm - Turquoise - 25Mtr Roll
Self-Adhesive Diamantes - 4mm Round Fuchsia - Sheet of 100
Butterfly Diamantes 5 x 5cm BROWN (Pack of 6)
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