Your website was easy to use and I was happy with the envelopes I selected. The delivery of the envelopes came a lot quicker than I expected which was a nice surprise.
What can I say about the invites!!! They are EXQUISITE. I am very happy with them..... I ended up showing the lady in the Post Office, her jaw dropped when she saw them and handed the invite to the lady next to her. I was proud as... A specialised business like yours deserves all the success that comes it way....Congratulations. I know I will be sending customers your way every opportunity that may arise... Kindest regards
Antonella (from Melbourne) Jul 8, 2005
Hello Maria, Thankyou very much for the gorgeous wedding invitations you had made up for us. My apologies I couldn't come in to pick them up myself but I loved them and so did everyone else! As discussed, the rsvps have now returned and I have attached a list of names required on the Place cards...Thanks so much Maria- speak to you shortly.