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Heaps of the best papers in stock

Heaps of the best papers in stock
Category: Info
Posted: 17/07/2016 23:42
Views: 971
Comments: 1 [Read/Post]

Did you know that we carry over 200 specialty papers and cards in stock - on the shelf!

Did you know that we carry over 200 specialty papers and cards in stock - on the shelf!

This means :

  • When you order it, you get it faster than those that little "no stock  - order everything" internet only retailers.
  • We can give you more choice and better value
  • In our shop, you can see the real thing & touch feel, compare & colour match!

Our range of papers include the following finishes :

  • Metallic Papers
  • Pearlescent Papers
  • Matte Papers
  • Embossed Papers
  • Handmade Papers

No matter what sort of look you want, chances are we have the colour and finish for your project!

We only carry the best brands of papers & cards, with brands such as :

  • Crystal Perle
  • Curious Metallics
  • Stardream
  • Mohawk - Via Kraft & Felt
  • Buffalo Kraft
  • Keaykolour
  • Splendorgel
  • Starblack
  • Paperglitz Handmade Papers
    • Embossed Papers
    • Chiffon Papers
    • Glitter Print Papers
    • Flocked Papers

Our handmade papers are of the finest quality and have the highest level of detail around (not like the cheap copies).

Our mill-made papers & cards are all carefully selected and come from some of the finest mills around the world - including countries such as Italy, UK, Finland & the USA.

All of our mill-made papers & cards are either inkjet or laser compatible!


Comments on Heaps of the best papers in stock

Jenny 15/04/2019 12:04
They have a huge range and their papers are lovely.

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