Home :: Christening :: Christening Embellishments :: Pre Tied Bows :: White Satin Bow with Acrylic Diamante Cross. Pack of 10

White Satin Bow with Acrylic Diamante Cross. Pack of 10

White Satin Bow with Acrylic Diamante Cross. Pack of 10
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White Satin Bow with Cross 10 Pk
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Packs of 10. Price PER BAG!!
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White Satin Bow with Acrylic Diamante Cross. Pack of 10

Also ideal to glue onto any Candle for that beautiful occasion. Approx. 30mmx25mm

Perfect for those who don't like tying bows and Ideal for Invitations, candles, Books and much more - simply use craft glue or hot glue to stick them on to the front of your invitations, Candles, Books, Bomboniere and Keepsakes!

Order yours today online for FAST delivery from our warehouse in Sydney, Australia.

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Curious Metallics Ice Silver 120gsm - 11B Envelopes
Glue Helmar Premium Craft Glue 50ml Bottle
Bomboniere Box - 10cm Cube - Keaykolour Original Jet Black (Matte)
Double Sided Satin Ribbon 3mm - Celery - 50Mtr Roll
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