Home :: Papers & Card Stock :: SRA3 Specialty Card Stock (320x450mm) :: Starblack 352gsm Matte Black Card Stock - SRA3 Sheets

Starblack 352gsm Matte Black Card Stock - SRA3 Sheets

Starblack 352gsm Matte Black Card Stock - SRA3 Sheets
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Good Availability
FSC Certfied & & Certified Carbon Neutral
Laser Compatible*
Inkjet Compatible*
Sold In
Single Sheets
Save at least 65% - Online & In-Store
On Sale - Buy Now & SAVE!
including GST
This Sale price is available both online & in-store!
Quantity Price*
25-99 Items $1.61
100-199 Items $1.56
200+ Items $1.50
*Note: including GST
Minimum Order - 25 items

Starblack 352gsm Matte Black Card Stock - SRA3 Sheets

  • Starblack is one of the "blackest" uncoated matte black papers available. It has a smooth surface and it is double sided colour!
  • Made from renewable energy sources and is certified Carbon Neutral!^, it has the environmental credentials to match its good looks.
  • This card stock is double sided in colour & texture.
  • Our A4 cards measures 420 x 297mm.
  • It is manufactured in USA and is converted and packaged in Sydney, Australia.
  • With it's high bulk smooth jet black surface, it is extremely popular for use by wedding stationers.
  • It is also widely used for Annual Reports, Brochures, Menus, Greeting Cards, Invitations.
  • Suitable for spot metallics, embossing, foil stamping and die-cutting.

Other sheet sizes such as A4 & A3 are also available. We can also guillotine to size, score and/or die cut to your specification. Contact us with your requirements for a quotation.

We also carry this colour in boxes and a wide range of die cut DIY invitation cards.

This is Genuine Strablack card stock from the USA - not a cheap Chinese copy.

^ Certified Carbon Neutral to exit of Mill door

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