RSVP or Thank you cards are usually the same size or one made bigger than the other. Our RSVP and thank you cards come in two main sizes which are 12.5 x 8cm or 14.85 x 8cm. These are ideal to fit into any of our pockets are are great to add the extra information into your wedding, Christening, Party or event invitations
Your website was easy to use and I was happy with the envelopes I selected. The delivery of the envelopes came a lot quicker than I expected which was a nice surprise.
Hi Maria, Could I please place an order identical to my last one for the DIY invitations....I'm extremely happy with how they're turning out!
Rebecca Jun 6, 2004
Hi Maria, you did some fabulous invitations for us for our wedding on the 24/4, for which we had some great response and I have passed on your name etc to a few interested parties. I now would like to arrange appropriate thank you card...