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1mm Stetch Cord - 100Mtr Roll - Metallic Silver

1mm Stetch Cord - 100Mtr Roll - Metallic Silver
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1mm Stetch Cord - 100Mtr Roll - Metallic Silver

Our fine 1mm metallic silver stretch cord has an elastic centre and easily stretches to double it's normal length. It has a beautiful shiny metallic silver finish.

When it needs to be said with quality and luxury - genuine Paperglitz 1mm Silver Stretch Cord is the perfect choice!

Since their introduction on 2009, they have proven to be extremely popular for wedding invitations, balloons, gift wrapping, bomboniere, favours, florists, corporate packaging and more. Paperglitz ribbons are now the ribbon of choice for many hundreds of businesses around the country!

Buy with confidence and specify only "Genuine Paperglitz 1mm Metallic Stretch Cords" for your next project.

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