This beautiful shimmering envelope is absolutely perfect for my wedding invitation! Thank you Truly Madly Deeply for your excellent service and lovely products!
Hi, just like to say thank you, my first order of 30 blue gerbera vase candles have arrived safe & well. Thank you again...... Thank you very much for all your help, my second order arrived safely. Thank you again.--- "Ordering from Truly, Madly, Deeply"
Katrina (from NSW) May 10, 2005
I bought the DIY Wedding Invitation - 14.85cm Fold Over Lace & Pearls (but with black card - I think it was black ebony, instead of mink) a couple of weeks ago! They are gorgeous - I am so so happy thankyou!!! I cant believe I ordered them on the Wednesday and received them on the Friday!!! :0) I was wondering if I can order....