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Wedding Bubbles Doves - Box of 24

Wedding Bubbles Doves - Box of 24
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Bubbles Dove
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Wedding Bubbles Doves - Box of 24

  • A great alternative to confetti and makes for some fabulous photos.
  • Traditionally used outside the church, have your guests and your bridal party blow lots of bubbles and let your photographer capture the magic.
  • These are the premium wedding bubbles which in addition to being non toxic, they are importantly anti-stain.
  • Anti-staining means the bride and her bridesmaids need not worry about yellow spots being left on their dresses like a cheaper bubble might.
NOTE : Bubbles may ship in a box that is different to that pictured, depending on supplier stocks. The bubbles are the same.

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A6 Pocket Fold - Classique Metallics Peacock Navy Blue
Lace 9cm KTR81805 Black
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